
I thought we would last forever, but where are we?

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Kim Bora
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
ALIAS : justė
INLOVE W/ : I dont believe in forever. But I believe in you, and us. I believe in the way my heart beats when i see you and i believe in the way your eyes never dull. I don’t believe that you wont leave. But I believe in the way our hands always meld together and I believe in soft sleepy kisses. I don’t believe in true love. But you come pretty damn close.
POSTS : 2223
Kim Bora
For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.

I thought we would last forever, but where are we? Empty
RašytiTemos pavadinimas: I thought we would last forever, but where are we?   I thought we would last forever, but where are we? 22018-04-05, 14:01


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I thought we would last forever, but where are we?

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